2015年2月10日 星期二

【義築海外連線專欄 | 史懷萱】

孟加拉 農村培訓小學(Hand-Made School, 2007)

農村培訓小學(Hand-Made School, 2007)
建築師:Anna Heringer, Eike Roswag
案主: Dipshikha 鄉村發展協會
建築面積: 325 平方公尺
建築花費: 約為台幣71萬

今天要為大家介紹的是我非常喜歡的一個建築案。我欣賞它的原因在於德國建築師 Anna Heringer 嘗試打造社會、文化、經濟三方面皆永續的永續建築,其建構的方式和建築的精神和義築非常的切合。建築師Anna Heringer對孟加拉鄉土建築建築有了長期且深刻的研究了解,改進了當地建築技術,使用當地的人力物力,並藉由這所學校的興建,直接提供當地居民建築教育訓練,使當地的居民也有能力為自己建造品質良好的建築,也是一次將傳統建築現代化的嘗試。
德國出生的Anna Heringer在19歲時造訪了位於孟加拉北部、鄰近印度邊界的魯德羅布爾村莊(Rudrapur),進行為期一年的志工活動,了解了當地鄉土建築之美也興起了Anna建造手工學校的想法,和這個小村莊結下了不解之緣。八年後,Anna募集了兩萬多美金,回到了這個擁有美麗稻田、手工紡織業豐富的魯德羅布爾村莊,為他當初服務的NGO組織興建農村培訓小學(METI, Modern Education and Trainig Institute) ,希望提供孩童適合當地農村發展的知識及職業教育。



Hand-Made School, 2007
Architects: Anna Heringer, Eike Roswag
Location: Client: Dipshikha Society for Village Development
Built Area: 325 m²
Cost: US$ 22’835

At the age of 19, Anna Heringer, a girl from South Germany, joined NGO Dipshikha in Bangladesh as a volunteer for one year. During the time in Bangladesh, she learned how the vernacular architecture uses local materials to adapt to the hot summer and mild winter and explored possible sustainable development methods.
Eight years later, Anna Heringer raised enough money and went back to Rudrapur, a countryside of Bangladesh with beautiful verdant rice fields, to fulfill her idea of sustainable design through the METI (Modern Education and Training Institute) School project. With the construction of the building, the school can not only provide the local children a place to learn general knowledge and working skills, but also invite children to join the building process to learn advanced building skills.
The building consists of two materials to representing two atmospheres. The first story is mud rooms for nesting and contemplation, consisting of three classrooms with caves. Children can study in small groups in caves. The second story is a light and open space constructed with bamboo. With great view to surroundings, children and teacher can hold big activities or physical activities in the bright room.
To pass on the advanced historic building technique and achieve the idea of “help for self-help”, Anna collaborated with her architecture colleagues and volunteers and tradesmen from local and western countries.

The most important technical progress of the METI school project is the introduction of a damp course, a brick foundation and a mixing of loam with straw, providing the building damp-proof ability and reinforcing the building wall. The construction started with a 50 cm deep local-manufactured brick foundation covered with cement plaster. Additional with locally available double laying PE-film, the local earthen building skills are improved with damp proof course, preventing moisture from the ground. The first story is the straw-reinforced mud wall placed on the foundation. The mud wall was manufactured with the help of cows and buffalo. Each time they applied 65cm mud layer then leveled after few days. The second story is a demonstration of the potential of bamboo construction. Adapted from European timber-frame constructions, the walls and roof are diagonally and vertically framed by bunch of joined bamboo sticks. The top of the roof is covered with corrugated galvanized iron. The first floor ceiling is a layering of bamboo sticks, bamboo boards and earth.

參考書目 |
Anna Heringer | Architecture: Vision. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.anna-heringer.com/
Handmade School / Anna Heringer & Eike Roswag. (2010, March 4). Retrieved from  http://www.archdaily.com/…/handmade-school-anna-heringer-e…/
Lim, J. (2007). On site review report, hand-made school. Bangladesh: Award Cycle.
METI school handmade in Bangladesch. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.meti-school.de/daten/bericht_baubeginn_2_e.htm
Santos, L. M. (2010), A Arquitetura no Desenvolvimento Sustentável - Proposta para Comunidades Rurais de Países em Desenvolvimento, Dissertação de Mestreado. Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia Universidade de Coimbra.
School in Rudrapur | Archnet. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://archnet.org/sites/6304

海外連線專欄作者介紹 |
史懷萱 Huai-Hsuan Shih
台灣義築協會會員,目前正在Washington University in St. Louis就讀建築,喜歡北歐也超級佩服那些充滿大愛的建築師。

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