2015年2月10日 星期二

【義築海外連線專欄| 黃致禎 】

鏡頭下的社區營造:法國攝影師Camille Cier的D-3系列作品介紹


Camille Cier是一個法國的攝影藝術家,她對於人與人之間的關係有著獨特的見解。在她的作品中可以發現她喜歡拍攝廢墟,廢墟中曾經美麗的精細材質、背後的歷史故事都有一番吸引人的魅力,同時她也深深著迷於廢墟創作的自由性。這次在巴黎的展覽,呈現她所看到的社區中小人物的力量。

當Camille Cier在美國旅遊時正值人生的低潮期,因此她對於底特律必須從破產的困難中重新振作的處境感同身受。這個位於密西根州的城市於2013年申請破產,但Camille所看到的底特律,卻是人民自動自發捍衛、改善生活的動力。熱愛拳擊的她找到了一間社區裡的拳擊館,身為教練的Khali其實是前黑道大哥,當他出獄時,決定要把拳擊轉變成一個健康的活動,讓年輕孩子們在課餘有一個發洩精力的場所,遠離黑道、遠離重蹈覆轍的未來。這樣的一個想法獲得很多中小企業的支持,因此拳擊館得以提供免費的服務。目前館內有80名學員,還有更多的學童在候補名單上。Khali同樣也邀請父母一同參與他們的課程,重新建立社區裡的家庭力量。

© Camille Cier


Camille Cier's website http://www.camillecier.com/


為台灣義築協會寫的第一篇,我選擇介紹Camille Cier。我喜歡她的作品中的衝勁、有著一股黑暗背後的溫柔,跟見到她本人的印象一樣,瘦瘦的法國女人卻熱愛拳擊,存在著矛盾卻又如此和諧。當她談著底特律的孩子們、談著拳擊就像跳舞、談著創作論述,可以輕易感受到她的熱情跟感動。我回憶起在義築的工作時,跟著人和國小的孩子們、跟著呂家賢老師一起做著一個很美的夢,大概也是這樣的感覺。不顧結果如何、一直往前衝的熱血,我們其實並不期待十全十美的未來,就算傷痕依然在,能夠復原多少就算多少吧!

Community Building behind the camera: D-3 by French photography Camille Cier

As a humanity organisation, the understanding of mankind is one of our responsibility when the architectural aspect has already stable development. We estimate AHA as a factor to motivate the community in remote tribe. And Camille Cier, a french photographer-artist, had recorded an experience in USA to show her point of view.

We can find out that Camille Cier likes to take photos in deserted spaces. She likes the oldness, the material and the history behind the breaking walls. For her, there is a liberty because we don’t give hope in this kind of space.

Camille spent four years in USA when she had a low tide in live. She arrived in Detroit and found out that the city of bankruptcy is like a wound, like herself. Suffering of the economic issue, Detroit still vibrates with her power of population and toward her head to the future. Camille found a boxing gym out of her passion of boxing. The group was founded by Khali, an ex-chef of gang, who wanted to do something to keep children away from gang after he left prison. He used the boxing technique which he learned on the street to catch young people’s attention. Supported by the private companies, the boxing class after school is free, so now there are 80 students and more children are in waiting list. Khali, as a boxing coach, also invites parents to enjoy their class in the goal of enhancing all the community.

For Camille, how Detroit recovered from the crisis is an example for the economy situation around the world. The city, the boxing gym and herself are all in the process of recovery. In her photos, she invited her father who is a doctor to use a gesture of operation, expressing pain and scar. Boxing represents an image of violence, but it’s also like a dance between people, a powerful movement of the city. In the end, she left a question for the viewer, is the gestion positive or negative? Will the scar from the fight become a motive, or it will always be a scar on the skin? Like in the deserted spaces, we have all the liberty to consider.

I was catched immediately by the softness inside when I saw the series of photo. In the work of AHA, I remember when we worked with inhabitants in the construction, we were all participating in the dream-making without wondering what the result will be. Passion is an abstract concept that cannot be told or written. But it can be very infective and stimulate something inside our mind if we have the similar experience. I think the power of image is strong enough to let you feel the vibration of heart.

義築海外連線作者介紹 |


現居巴黎,就讀於Ecole nationale Superieure d'Architecture de Paris Belleville。

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